Responsibilities of Committee Chairs


Orientation meeting: An orientation meeting should be held within three or four weeks after the Fall Quarter begins so that members of the committee may become acquainted. The administrator to whom your committee reports should attend. If your committee does not meet during Fall Quarter, members should be notified that the committee will meet at a later date.

Scheduling of meetings: You are encouraged to schedule meetings for the entire quarter at your initial meeting of the committee so members will hold the time on their calendars. Reminder notices for meetings are helpful. Should there be lack of agenda items for a scheduled meeting, the meeting can be canceled. Meetings should be scheduled to avoid meeting on the last day of classes, during finals, and during class breaks, if possible. If you are unable to attend a scheduled meeting of your committee, designate a member to be "acting chair."

Expanded committee input: Committees should exercise initiative to achieve quality recommendations. This may mean holding open hearings or organizing ad hoc committees of members and/or "nonmembers" to discuss special issues and to obtain a broad spectrum of ideas in making recommendations on campuswide issues. Committee chairs may ask individuals to serve on ad hoc committees without being formally appointed to the parent committee.

Campuswide meeting notices: You may wish to give campuswide notification of meetings or hearings, including date, time, and subject matter. Dateline UC Davis will publish notices, space permitting. Dateline UC Davis is generally published weekly on Fridays, with a deadline at 9:00 a.m. on the Friday before publication. For specific deadline dates and further information, refer to the Dateline website ( You may also contact the editor at (530) 752-1932 or

Role of Ex Officio Members

Ex officio, voting: These members ordinarily provide liaison between other administrative advisory committees, campus organizations, or the community.

Ex officio, nonvoting: These members are involved in operations and may receive advice or be responsible for implementation of the recommendations. They serve as resource people to the committee and share in the role of communication.


Concerns about membership and charge should be directed to the office of the administrator to whom your committee reports. Such concerns might include: difficulties in notifying members; notification of vacancies and nonattendance of members; problems relative to committee structure, charge to the committee, and composition of the committee. You may also discuss concerns regarding undergraduate student members with ASUCD Student Advocacy, which oversees student participation. For concerns regarding graduate student members, contact the GSA Vice Chair.


The following items should be sent to the administrator to whom the committee reports:

  • Committee recommendations.
  • Agenda of meetings.
  • Minutes of meetings.
  • Annual report that is due June 30.

Evaluation of Committee

Each committee may be asked to conduct a self-analysis of its functions, composition of the membership, and its effectiveness early in the Winter Quarter in anticipation of regular evaluation by the administrator to whom the committee reports.